What do you need to consider when choosing office space?
When looking for office space in Ayr there are many factors to consider. We spend a lot of our time at work so finding a place where you feel settled and happy is important, but what else should you think about?
- Location Town centre or out of town? Town centres are more convenient in terms of surrounding facilities such as cafes, shops and other businesses. A town centre location can give a higher profile for your business and makes you feel like a part of a community. Town centre business centres and offices also help regenerate our towns which are suffering from a rapid decline in shop front retail.
- Paying for the space you actually need A huge benefit with Business Centres is you only pay for the space you need. With communal facilities, you don’t need your own kitchen and toilet facilities. Business Centres also offer the ability to expand or contract, if your business grows you can move to a larger space within the Business Centre without great expense. Alternatively if your business requires less space this can usually be negotiated.
- Costs For many who leave Business Centres to take on their own premises it can be a shock. The stress, time and expense of setting up your own utilities, buildings insurance and keeping on top of maintenance is often underestimated. there are also restrictive long term leases, personal guarantees and hidden costs. In a well run business centre, all costs should be transparent and fixed for the length of your agreement. This reduces a lot of the hassle associated with having an office space and lets you get on with your job!
- Safety and Security This is an important factor when choosing your office space. When considering a location make sure you visit it at different times of the day and evening to get an accurate idea of the environment. Some business centres have 24 hour access, it is essential that the proper security measures are in place to keep you and the building safe. Secure door entry is a must and a good CCTV system is essential. Look for good quality locks and alarms and ensure there is an adequate fire alarm system. The safety of your team is a serious consideration. Make sure that COVID-19 policies are in place and are adhered to.
- Technology This is a huge factor when looking for the right fit. There are few businesses today that can run without good internet provision, especially with the rise of cloud storage and online meetings. To maximise productivity and professional communication, look for a business centre with good fibre optic broadband, a firewall to ensure safe even distribution and preferably a back up line. This also facilitates good VOIP another service worth considering.
- First Impressions Does the building give a good first impression? You want clients, suppliers, future staff members to walk in and get a good first impression of your business. This will be both the look and the feel of the surroundings, the communal areas and of course, your office suite. Another benefit of renting space in a quality business centre is they are often located in a prestigious address that your business couldn’t necessarily afford or justify otherwise.
- Parking Whether you choose town centre or out of town, parking is important both for your staff and your clients. Check the surrounding area at different times of the day. Ask about on street parking, car parks, and if there is free parking locally. A blend is best as it means cars will come and go freeing up spaces for your clients when visiting your premises.
When looking for office space, think about the amount of time you spend at work. You deserve comfortable surrounding and good facilities. If you can find an office with a nice view in pleasant surroundings it makes a difference. If looking at a business centre, speak with existing tenants and ask them what it’s like to work there.

Brian Williamson
Brian Williamson is a Business & Marketing graduate and businessman, he is Commercial Director for the WMA Group, Ekko Waste Solutions and ABC4D Baby Scan Clinics.